MSU Tex CG Digital DM Accessible - Flipbook - Page 22
As you review your resume and cover letter, check off the completed items and work on any
incomplete items. Do not forget to incorporate the items on pages 14 and 16.
You should have checked off most, if not all, items before finalizing your documents.
Fonts and Enhancements
The font style is a universal font (one that is compatible with just about every computer system as well as
ATS. e.g. Arial, Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, etc.).
Font enhancements such as bold type, italics, underlining, and CAPITALIZATIONS to highlight information
is consistent and used sparingly to draw attention to specific text (e.g. your name, job titles, company names,
The font size is comfortably readable (no smaller than a 10-point).
Expanded font is used only for your name, section headings, company names, and/or job titles.
1 bullet style is used and size is proportional to the text around it (not smaller or larger).
White Space and Density
All 4 margins are set at 0.5" or larger and adjusted with the “Margins” settings, not the indent markers.
The document looks balanced on the page with no excessive white space at the top and bottom of the page.
Incremental/section line spacing is applied to control the amount of white space and create more “breathing
room” between items/sections and is consistent.
The document is 1 page.
Cover letters are single-spaced with double-spacing between paragraphs.
Tabs and Indents
Dates that are placed on the right, are done so with one right tab set precisely on the right margin.
Lines are indented no more than 0.25" to 0.50" from the left margin with text on bulleted line placed 0.25"
after the bullet.
Grammar, spelling, and typing errors have been checked and corrected. The CMC can help with this!
Personal information (e.g., marital status, religion, ethnicity, etc.), photos, or references are not listed on the
cover letter or resume.
All like items are formatted the same, e.g. section headings, company names, job titles, etc.
The font size and style is consistent throughout the main body of the resume.
Spacing between items and sections is consistent.
Page and Line Breaks
Pages do not break across a paragraph or sentence.
There are not lines of text that comprise a single word.
Documents that are more than 1 page long include a document header on the subsequent pages and includes
only the name and page number in the same font style used in the letterhead (a smaller font size for the
name is recommended).
Bottom Line
Does your resume and cover letter tell a story, but not the whole story?
If you were the receiving employer, would you be interested in inviting this candidate to interview?