MSU Tex CG Digital DM Accessible - Flipbook - Page 37
Curriculum vitae (CV) are used to provide more details about your academic and professional accomplishments.
Vitae (vee-tie) is the plural form and vita (vi-tuh) is the singular.
While your resume should be kept to one page, CV are usually two pages at the shortest, and can be many pages in
length. Common lengths for CV are one to three pages for bachelor’s and master’s degree candidates; two to five
pages for doctoral candidates; and five or more pages for an experienced academician or researcher. Even though
it’s a longer document, write it concisely and give it a clean, easy-to-ready layout.
A CV includes information about professional publications, presentations, committee work, grants received, and
other details based on each person’s experience.
Although a CV is often similar to a resume, the preferred style, format, and content varies from discipline to
discipline. Before writing a CV, you should become familiar with requirements of your academic field by asking
faculty members in your department and contacting professional associations for additional guidelines and
Vitae are commonly used in applying for the following:
• Admission to graduate school, graduate assistantship or scholarship
• Grant proposals
• Teaching, research, and upper-level administrative positions in higher education
• Academic departmental and tenure reviews
• College or university service appointments
• Professional association leadership positions
• Speaking engagements
• Publishing and editorial review boards
• Research and consulting positions in a variety of settings
• School administration positions, such as superintendent, principal, or department head
Information to consider including on your CV:
• Education
• Fieldwork
• Grants received
• Special training
• Consulting experience
• Language competencies
• Master’s thesis or project
• Certificates and licensure
• Dissertation title or project
• Teaching experience and interests
• Research experience and interests
• Internships or graduate practicum
• Technical and computer skills
• Foreign study and travel abroad
• Academic awards, scholarships, and fellowships
• Publications, professional papers, and presentations
• Course highlights or areas of concentration in graduate study
• Professional association and committee leadership positions
and activities
For best results, follow these simple tips:
• Style - Short phrases; succinct word choice; action verbs
• Paper size - 8-1/2" x 11"
• Margins - Left and right margins 1"; top and bottom margins 1"
• Grammar - parallel, consistent
• Typing - error free
• Font size - 10 to 12 point
• Use boldface and italics to highlight information, but be consistent
• Avoid paragraphs, shading, and underlining